Click on any state to see the schools, teachers, texts in use at each school in that state. Teacher e-mail addresses are instant hyperlinks to allow you directly e-mail the teacher from by clicking on the e-mail address in blue.
Posting of 2016 data is now in progress. States with blue backgrounds below have at least 1 school responding to the 2016 census. (A white background indicates that no school from that state has responded thus far. States with blue letters responded last year, states with red letters have not responded with programs in recent years.)
Click on any state below to see the schools in that state that have reported enrollments this year or in previous years. Programs in a state which has responded this year will have a blue background for that school's entry date. Any other background color indicates data is from a previous year.
FALL 2016
FALL 2014
FALL 2013
When a link to a state is selected below, the entry date for each school on the resulting web page will be highlighted in yellow when the data is for Fall 2012.
FALL 2012
When a link to a state is selected below, the entry date for each school on the resulting web page will be highlighted with a blue background when the data is for Fall 2012. A green background indicates 2011 data.
(Note: States shown BELOW with red typeface have not reported Russian programs in recent years.)
FALL 2011
FALL 2010
FALL 2009
FALL 2008
FALL 2007
FALL 2005