CCPCR Census Data Fall 2003


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Entry Date School Name Teacher Phone Fax Textbooks
14 Oct 2003 The Putney School Joyce Vining Morgan (802) 387-6227 (802) 387-2305 Okno, with supplements from Tom Beyer
K-8 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Street City State Zip E-mail Total
Elm Lea Farm Putney VT 05346-8675 4


Seeking contact data for program at Montpelier Regional/Union Schools

For experienced language learners, this text [Okno] is
much preferable to those which dribble out one case at a
time very slowly. Because, perhaps, it's written for
Germans who are already used to speaking an inflected
language, the pace is faster. It was published in
English in Tom Beyer's adaptation - as Russian Now! - but
is out of print. The seniors who take this course place
in second year college Russian. I believe the text is a major factor in