Websites for Teachers of Russian

   Below is a list of website which may be helpful in teaching Russian or about Russian culture.  In addition to this, there are also website that may be of interest to Russian speakers as well. CCPCR does not endorse any of these site and is not responsible for any problems which may occur from accessing these sites. (Note: If you experience any problems with one of these links, for example, a broken link that goes nowhere, please e-mail CCPCR about the problem. As of February 2009, all links were functioning properly.)
Category Website name Description
Russian Resources Library SRAS Library A very useful source of a wide variety of aids for the Russian teacher and student
Russian Resources 2007 A large number and wide variety of resources very useful for students and teachers of Russian
Russify your computer Paul Gorodyansky This site will help you to be able to type in Russian and also search through Russian search engines by typing in Russian
Search Engine in Russian Rambler Your typical search engine except in Russian with Russian website
News about Russia Voice of America Listen to the news in Russian or in English with RealAudio or read the transcript in either Russian or English.
Russian Politics Russian Government Homepage This site has information pertaining to the laws of Russia as well as some links to the Russian judicial, legislative, ad federal branches.
Russian Grammar Interactive On-line Reference Grammar Grammar Reference and some exercises on-line
Russia related links All The Links You Ever Needed This is a gigantic list of links to all areas of interest in Russia. However, because the list is so large, it takes some time to load up and you must peruse through it to find what you want
Russian Encyclopedia Russian Encyclopedia Great Russian Encyclopedia - over 130.000 articles Fresh news - politic, government, business, economic etc. Numerous guides - music, culture, literature, health, cinema, computers, nature etc.
News Database IntegrumWorld Full texts of newspapers and magazines. The databases include 52 nationwide newspapers.
K-12 Features--Resources in Russia, Eurasia and E.Europe Russian and East European Center U. of Illinois. Features special section for K-12 teachers
Hyperlinks Collection Russian Language on the Net Jefferson County,Colorado. A very good collection of hyperlinks to Russian K-12 materials
Free online Russian-English dictionary The Russian Dictionary Tree For beginning and intermediate learners. 12,000 entries with very detailed definitions, hundreds of sentential examples, and complete morphological information, including every inflected form spelled out
Hyperlinks Collection Why Study Russian? For a narrative presenting reasons for studying Russian, links to get started, and some general information on the Russian language and the history of its study in the US.
Lang. Instruction modules Intro to the Ruslan system of internet Russian instruction
Malen'kaja kompanija Literary magazine for Russian-speaking children and their families living in the US.

Russnet is a repository for Russian Language Resources which includes its own collection of Russian Language Modules. These are thematic learning modules that combine the learning of culture with the learning of Russian. Russnet
is produced at The American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS.

Russian Google A handy browser link for Russian!
Russian language, art George Mitrevsky, Auburn This site contains Russian language & alphabet assistance, a large collection of downloadable work by Russian painters and Russian icons