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Perceived Relational Diversity: A Fit Conceptualization  
Committee: Cheri Ostroff & Angelo Kinicki (Co-Chairs), Leanne Atwater, Carol Kulik


Zsidisin, G. A., Ogden, J. A., Hendricks, T. E., & Clark, M. A. (accepted spring 2003). Chief Purchasing Office compensation: An analysis of organization & human capital effects. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management.

Anand, V., Clark, M. A., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. (forthcoming, spring 2003). Designing workteams: The role of knowledge distribution. Journal of Managerial Issues.

Clark, M. A., Amundson, S. D., & Cardy, R. C. (2002). Cross-functional team decision-making and learning outcomes: A qualitative illustration. Journal of Business and Management, 8(3): 217-238.

Ostroff, C., Kinicki, A. J., & Clark, M. A. (2002). Substantive and operational issues of response bias across levels of analysis: An example of climate-satisfaction relationships. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 355-368.

Ostroff, C., & Clark, M. A. (2001). Maintaining an internal market: Antecedents of willingness to move. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 3, 425-453.

Clark, M. A., Blancero, D., Luce, C., & Marron, G. (2001). Teaching workgroup-task congruence: The "Fit for Performance" exercise. Journal of Management Education, 25(5): 531-552.

Clark, M. A., Anand, V., & Roberson, L. (2000). Resolving meaning: Interpretation in diverse decision-making groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, & Practice, 4, 211-221.


Clark, M. A., Anand, V., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. (2000). Implementing organizational knowledge processes: The role of team knowledge structures. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 76-79.

Gove, S., Clark, M. A., & Boyd, B. (1999). Moving metaphors: Recipes for teaching management via experiential exercises. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, D1-D6.

Clark, M. A., Anand, V., & Roberson, L. (1999). Resolving meaning: Interpretation in diverse decision-making groups. Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management, 41, 155-159.

Alsua, C. J., Clark, M. A., & Sundie, J. M. (1998). Selecting for performance: The value of tolerance in diverse workgroups. Proceedings of the Production & Operations Management Society Annual Meeting, Santa Fe.

Clark, M. A., Amundson, S. D., Cardy, R. C. (1997). Learning through cross-functional teams.  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, 388-390.


Clark, M. A., Ostroff, C., & Atwater, L. (2002, August). Perceived relational diversity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver.

Ashforth, B.E., Kreiner, G.E., Clark, M.A., & Fugate, M. (2001, August). Managing dirty work: An interview-based study. In “Dirty work” is in the eye of the beholder: New directions in how individuals cope with stigmatized occupations (symposium). Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Boyd, B.K., Muth, M., Gove, S. & Clark, M.A. (2000, October). Teamwork at the top: Assessing and improving team skills among senior managers. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver.

Clark, M. A., Amundson, S. D., & Cardy, R. L. (2000, August). Fit for performance: Functional diversity and task complexity in workgroups. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Toronto.

Clark, M. A. & Ostroff, C. (1999, May). Mobility opportunities: Antecedents of willingness to accept job changes. Society for Industrial/ Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Boyd, B. K., Clark, M. A., Fugate, M. & Gove, S. (1998, August). Metaphors for teaching strategy: Adventure initiatives. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego.


Clark, M. A., Amundson, S. D., & Cardy, R. L. (revision requested). Matching functional diversity and task complexity in workgroups.

Anand, V., Skilton, P. F., Clark, M. A., & Keats, B. W. (revision requested). Organizational knowledge distributions and competitive advantage.

Clark, M. A., Ostroff, C., & Atwater, L. (revision requested). Perceived relational diversity: Moving beyond demographic attributes.


(with B. Ashforth, G. Kreiner, & M. Fugate). Dirty work: A qualitative interview inquiry of socialization tactics in stigmatized occupations. Data collection and draft complete.

(with C. Ostroff). Relational demography: A question of measures. Data collection complete; draft in progress.

(with C. Ostroff & L. Atwater). Socialization and personality fit in diverse workgroups. Data collection complete; draft in progress.

(with C. Manz & V. Anand). Empowering top management teams. Data collection completed; draft in progress.

(with S. Gove & B. Boyd). Experiencing strategy: A multi-exercise program.


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