

Professional Organizations | Research Journals | Business Press | Sports | Others


Kogod Research Series
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Professional Organizations
bulletAcademy of Management
Professional association for management researchers and practitioners.
bulletSociety of Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Professional association for behavioral scientists/practitioners in organizational settings.
bullet Southern Management Association
bulletAmerican Psychological Association
bulletSociety of Human Resource Management

Research Journals

bullet Academy of Management topical journals (empirical, theoretical, practitioner, education)
bullet Journal of Applied Psychology
bulletAdministrative Science Quarterly
bullet Personnel Psychology
bulletGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research, & Practice
bullet Journal of Vocational Behavior
bullet Journal of Management
bullet Journal of Management Education
bullet Group & Organization Management
bullet Small Group Research
bulletOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Business Press

bulletWall Street Journal (online)
bulletFortune magazine


bulletRed Wings, Phoenix Coyotes, Washington Capitols
bulletDetroit Lions
bulletWNBA Mystics


bulletCARMA research/statistics organization
bulletUS Bureau of Labor Statistics
bulletWorld Trade Organization
bulletGlovena: Founded & staffed by AU students
bulletSkeptical Inquirer
bulletHistory Channel
bulletWAMU 88.5 American Univ's Voice!



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This site was last updated 12/19/03