Student Resources for Management Information Systems


Database and MS Access Resources
Web Page Publishing Guides
HTML Resources
ASP Resources

Database and MS Access Resources:

DFD and ERD Practice
MS Access Database Example: Parts and Suppliers
MS Access Practice Database: Ships and Battles

MS Access Tutorials
Get Acquainted with MS Accesss
Creating Databases

ASP Resources

ASP Troubleshooting
ASP Lecture (PowerPoint)
More ASP

HTML Resources

HTML Guides

Yahoo!'s HTML Guide's
Computer Hope HTML Help
Color Center
Top 15 Mistakes of Web Page Design
Sun's Web Style Guide

Basic HTML Templates

layout.html ms_word.html empty.html title.html
heading_types.html defitition_lists.html fonts.html text.html hyperlinks_text.html
unord_list.html ordered_list.html nested_list.html
hyperlinks_unord.html hyperlinks_ord.html hyperlinks_nest.html
lines.html tables.html graphics.html colors.html backgrounds.html
frames_2.html frames_menu.html frames_3.html frames_3a.html frames_heading.html

Graphics Files

background1.gif background2.gif background3.gif background4.gif background5.gif greenbg.gif
colorbar1.gif colorbar2.gif colorbar3.gif colorbar4.gif colorbar5.gif colorbar6.gif
CMU Logos
cmu_icon.gif cmu_web.gif gsia_icon.gif
Other Graphics
3denvelope.gif 3dglobe.gif arrow.gif ape.gif book5.gif boxed.gif bubblfsh.gif clef.gif construction.gif construction2.gif email.gif eye.gif fight.gif fish.gif geek.gif palm.gif smile.gif telephone.gif tenisbal.gif

Additional image files

I've received some requests for additional ASP resources.  Here we go....

--- ASP Books ---

The book I use is
	Programming Active Server Pages, by Scott Hillier and Daniel Mezick
	(Microsoft Press)

This book was one of the first to hit the market, and since it came out, I
think some much better books have been published (lots of people on agree).

Reading the reviews at amazon, the customers love two books:
	Beginning Active Server Pages 2.0
	Professional Active Server Pages 2.0

If you like the animal books, O'Reilly has published:
	ASP in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick Reference

I would go to Barnes & Noble and peruse these books for a while to see
which one is at the appropriate level of difficulty for you.  Some books
assume that you know next to nothing about HTML or programming; others
expect you to know quite a bit about both these topics.

--- ASP Debugging Paper ---

One of the thing I did not discuss in my lecture was how difficult it can
be to debug Active Server Pages.  If you want to get serious about ASP, you
should read the paper, "ASP Troubleshooting Tips and Techniques".  I've
e-mailed Alberto this paper and have asked him to post it on the course web
site.  This paper is not for beginners.

--- SQL Books ---

Some people have also asked me for SQL references.  I think Alberto would
be the best person to ask about this.  Here again, my favorite way of
finding a book about a new a topic is going to Barnes & Noble for an hour,
skimming all their books, and buying the one I like the best.

--- Internet Information Server ---

As I mentioned in my lecture, you can't do ASP on andrew.  You need a MS
Windows machine.  Ideally you need a Windows NT Server running Internet
Information Server.  However, I'm betting no one owns an NT server machine.

However, if you own a Windows NT or Windows 95/98 machine, you can install
a watered-down version of Internet Information Server caled "Personal Web
Server".  This software is a part of the Windows NT Server 4.0 Option Pack,
which you can get for free at
Once you have installed the appropriate web server technology on your
machine, you should be ready to go.  You can do all your HTML and ASP
authoring with notepad, or if you're willing to spend $$$, you can buy
something like MS Interdev that gives you some bells and whistles to make
the programming easier.  (I don't know how much Interdev costs, but I
wouldn't spend that much $$$ on it...I use it because Microsoft gave my
research team all the software for free.)

--- Using MS Access to write ASP for you ---

MS Access will write a complete ASP page for you that will display your
tables and update them when your data change.  This is a great crutch to
use when you're still learning ASP.  Just use the same wizard that I wrote
about yesterday:  File menu --> Save as HTML.  When you're asked to choose
between "Static HTML", "Dynamic HTX/IDC", and "Dynamic ASP", choose
"Dynamic ASP".

   JJCadiz, Microsoft Research