You can add the BGCOLOR attribute to the BODY tag to change the background or text color. The "#ffffff" code is for white. The color you are watching is "#c0c0c0", which is light gray. You can play with any combination of 6-character codes. Each character is a hexagecimal digit. That is, any of these characters can be either from 0 to 9 or from a to f.

Play with a few codes to see which colors you like the most. But, keep in mind that dark backgrounds are hard on the eye. Choose subtle and soft colors for the background (nothing beats white for business)and brigther colors for the characters.

Here is how you change font colors (these codes work for background colors too):

This is blue

This is turquoise

This is bright green

This is pink

This is red

This is yellow

This is white

This is dark blue

This is teal

This is green

This is violet

This is dark red

This is dark yellow

This is 50% gray

This is 25% gray