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A Manual of Style & Substance

R.S. Zaharna, Ed.D. 

This manual is designed to help you prepare your project. While the content and approach of Master's projects vary widely, the style and elements of high-quality, original works of scholarship all share clearly defined criteria and standards. This manual outlines those standards.
The manual is divided into two sections. The first section details the conventions of style common to scholarly works. The second section focuses on content and lists those components critical to serious research. Combining style, substance, and power of one's ideas, is the goal of a Master's candidate and the achievement of a successful one.
The format for the style section has been adapted from the Manual of Style, Office of Doctoral Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University (September 1984). The inspiration for the substance section was provided by the students of 17.735 Fall Semester 1990. The theme of "style plus substance" is based on the motto of the Public Relations firm of Burson and Marsteller. The match that lit the flame for the manual was Sue Roschwalb.
1992 - update: I have added a new section on organizational formats for different types of studies. 17.735 Fall 1991 -- this was your inspiration. My special thanks to Liat Jehassi for all her help.

1999 - update:  We are on the www.  I have adapted the manual to enable you to access the information you will need to prepare your thesis.  Technology keeps making life simpler -- and more complex.  I hope that this helps.  My special thanks to Denise Brinker for making this technology work.

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Last updated January 12, 2000.