Julie Mertus   Julie Mertus Biography


Julie Mertus is an Associate Professor and Co-Director of the MA
program in Ethics, Peace and Global Affairs.  A graduate of Yale Law
School, her work focuses on ethno-national conflict, human rights,
refugee and humanitarian law and policy, gender and conflict and post-war
transitions.  Her geographic expertise is in Central and Eastern Europe,
with a specialty on the former Yugoslavia, but she has also participated
in human rights projects in such diverse places as Vietnam, Brazil, China
and South Africa. Her prior appointments include:  Senior Fellow, U.S.
Institute of Peace; Human Rights Fellow, Harvard Law School; Writing
Fellow, MacArthur Foundation, Fulbright Fellow (Romania), and Counsel,
Human Rights Watch.
As a scholar, Professor Mertus has published widely. Her work appears
in leading multidisciplinary journals such as Ethics and International
Affairs, Global Governance, International Studies Perspectives,
International Feminist Journal of Politics and the Harvard International
Review.   Her books include: Bait and Switch: Human Rights and American
Foreign Policy (Routledge, 2004) and Human Rights and Conflict (United
States Institute of Peace, 2004)(editor, with Jeffrey Helsing); Kosovo:
How Myths and Truths Started a War (U. Cal. Press 1999), War's Offensive
Against Women: The Humanitarian Challenge in Bosnia, Kosovo, and
Afghanistan (Kumarian, 2000); The Suitcase: Refugees' Voices from
Bosnia and Croatia (U. Cal. Press, 1999); Local Action/Global Change (UNIFEM
1999)(with Mallika Dutt and Nancy Flowers).   
As a practitioner, Professor Mertus has over fifteen years experience
in the human rights field, as a field researcher, lawyer, advocate,
political analyst and trainer. At the international level, she has conducted human
rights trainings with NGOs, political leaders, school teachers and
student activists in over a dozen countries. She has also served as a
consultant on human rights and humanitarian issues to UNHCR, the Humanitarianism
and War Project, the Watson Institute for International Affairs, Women
Waging Peace, OXFAM, the Soros Foundation, and many other nongovernmental and
intergovernmental organizations.  She has also appeared as an expert
witness in asylum proceedings and has offered expert commentary on CNN,
NPR, and Voice of America, and in such newspapers as The New York Times,
Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and Christian Science Monitor
As an educator, Professor Mertus has been recognized for her
innovative course designs and interactive teaching. She has written curriculum for
several human rights courses and her own book on teaching women's human
rights has been translated and used in Albanian, Arabic, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Thai and Ukrainian.  In 2003 she received the American
University Faculty Award for Outstanding Curriculum Development, and in 2002 the
American University Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship and
Professional Service.
MAIL:  mertus@american.edu
WEB:  http://academic3.american.edu/%7Emertus/index.htm


Julie Mertus • Associate Professor •
American University • mertus@american.edu • (202) 885 - 2215