Graduate Public Communication Practicum
Spring 2005

As the culmination of the "skills component" for the Master of Arts degree in Public Communication, the Practicum course includes such skills as media training -- how to face the television cameras to tell your organization's story. The class members simulated being the director of communications for a Disctrict of Columbia organization that had faced more than its fair share of media problems during the past two years. Here the grad students conduct a news conference before a battery of local and national media representatives.

Jessica Awig Jessica Awig 2 Amy Beall
Amy Beall 2 Noelle Borman Noelle Borman 2
Erin Carr Erin Carr 2 Jen Costa
Jen Costa 2 Jen Costa 3 Kate Foster
Kate Foster2 Ilana Gordon Ilana Gordon 2
Emily Hartman Emily Hartman 2 Lindfsay Katz
Emily Katz 2 Christine Lam Christine Lam 2
Sarah Mashburn Sarah Mashburn 2 Valintine Mitrat
Valentine Mitrat 2 Nicole Nicolosi Nicole Nicolosi 2
Ashleigh Spiller Ashleigh Spiller 2 Heidi Vidal
Heidi Vidal 2 Ashley Weinberg Ashley Weinberg 2
Molly Williams Molly Williams 2