//Search function function doSearchIHL() { var form = document.forms[0]; var ss = form.SearchString.value; if(ss=='' || ss.indexOf('Search') != -1) { alert( "Please enter a word or phrase to search." ); return false; } form.submit(); } //******************************************************************************************* function replaceSubstring (inputString, badString, goodString, caseSensitive) { fixedReplace = ""; UI = inputString ; UB = badString ; if ((caseSensitive != 1) && (caseSensitive != true)) { UI = inputString.toUpperCase () ; UB = badString.toUpperCase () ; } badEnd = -1 ; badLoc = UI.indexOf (UB) ; if (badLoc != -1) { for (x=1 ; (badLoc != -1) ; x++) { fixedReplace = fixedReplace + inputString.substring((badEnd + 1), badLoc) + goodString; badEnd = badLoc + UB.length - 1; badLoc = UI.indexOf(UB, (badLoc + 1));} fixedReplace = fixedReplace + inputString.substring((badEnd + 1), inputString.length) ; } else { fixedReplace = inputString ; } return fixedReplace ; } function Ltrim(strText) { var strNewText = strText; while(strNewText.charAt(0)== ' ') { strNewText = strNewText.substring(1, strNewText.length); } return strNewText; } /* Open the popup and ensure that it is reused in any following calls to the same function */ function windowOpener(url, name, args) { if (typeof(popupWin) != "object") { popupWin = window.open(url,name,args); } else { if (!(popupWin.closed)) { popupWin.location.href = url; popupWin.focus(); } else { popupWin = window.open(url, name,args); } } return true; } function SwitchMenu(obj) { if(document.getElementById){ var el = document.getElementById(obj); var ar = document.getElementById("masterdiv").getElementsByTagName("span"); //DynamicDrive.com change if(el.style.display != "block"){ //DynamicDrive.com change for (var i=0; i